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Advanced Nutrients

Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Organic Grow

Regular price $28.48
Regular price $37.98 Sale price $28.48
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Iguana Juice Organic Grow Completely Eliminates Your Biggest Organic Garden Problems, Maximizes Your Crop Growth And Guarantees A Huge Organic Harvest!

If you’ve ever tried growing organically before, ask yourself if any of these problems sound familiar…

  • Most organic base nutrients are extremely hard to mix and apply unless you water by hand which robs you of your valuable time…
  • It smells horrible, like raw sewage, and makes you want to retch whenever you go near your plants…
  • Fungus gnats breed in the sludge and spread all over your plants, your indoor garden and becoming disgusting pests…
  • And worst of all, it builds up like sludge around your growing medium and looks like what you’d see at a raw sewage treatment plant…

Say Goodbye To Organic Growing Problems!

Did you know that many products labeled organic are not 100% organic and likely not Organic OIM?

Many include ingredients like potassium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate… Even worse: these carbonates, which are included as pH buffers actually leak into the growing medium… build up over time becoming more concentrated… and eventually raise the pH of the growing medium… creating a less than ideal growing environment for plants.

Worse are the off-brand organic nutrients made by home brewers, including super teas, where you’ll find the same kind of problems over and over… They’re extremely hard to mix and use… smell bad (so bad, they practically can’t be used indoors because of the raw sewage smell)… clog up your pump system… or they don’t contain enough nutrients to grow strong plants.

Introducing: Iguana Juice Organic

If you’re growing organic, then you need Iguana Juice Organic™ OIM because it’s the only 100% organic 1-part base nutrient specifically formulated with a diverse spectrum of primary, secondary, and amino-chelated micronutrients.

  • Iguana Juice Organic OIM Grow contains the essential elements in the precise ratios and concentrations necessary for strong rooting and vibrant vegetative growth.
  • Iguana Juice Organic OIM Bloom has the precise ratios and concentrations of ingredients necessary for truly amazing, bud-bountiful yields.
  • What’s more, our proprietary quadrafilter manufacturing process ensures that Iguana Juice Organic OIM is free of all emitter-clogging particulates, giving you an organic formulation that flows easily and won’t turn to sludge in any hydroponic system. And it couldn’t be easier to use: Just measure at the label rate and pour, since it’s only one part.

    • The only 100% Organic OIM 1-part base nutrient that contains all the macro, secondary, and micronutrients plus other co-factors necessary for optimum growth and yields
    • Contains fresh water liquid fish hydrolysate and yeast extract which is chock full of macronutrients, micronutrients, minerals, vitamins and the 20 L-amino acids that are the building blocks of plant growth
    • Maximizes both plant growth and blooming by providing vital plant-derived chelated micronutrients
    • Gradually delivers all the nutrients your plant needs over an extended period of time to ensure their complete availability during vegetative and flowering cycles.
    • Contains lignosulfonates to prevent aggregation of nutrients and Increase effective absorption

    100% Organic OIM Certified

    With Iguana Juice Organic OIM, you never have to worry about synthetic ingredients or inorganic contaminants sneaking in, because it’s 100% Organic OIM certified.

    You might know this already, but other companies may claim to have “organic” products, yet they’re not registered with the Organic Input Material (OIM) Program — the highly coveted, highly regulated program run by the California Department of Food and Agriculture that certifies organic fertilizers and supplements to be used in organic crop and food production. This is incredibly important, because the high-value plants you grow are meant for human consumption.

    That means, if you’re claiming that your crops have been grown with 100% organic fertilizers and supplements, it’s your responsibility to ensure that it’s true.

    Because your consumers health is in your hands. And when you grow with Organic OIM-certified products like Iguana Juice Organic OIM, you have that assurance you can pass onto consumers.